Highschool Dungeon Crawlers

JRPGs are a very popular genre nowadays. Whether it be because of people's love of anime or just because hits like Persona 5 made people crave more, their popularity can't be understated. Over the years we have managed to get a variety of amazing games that each offer their own unique experience. And Tokyo Xanadu is no exception to this.
Tokyo Xanadu tells the story of highschooler Tokisoka Kou who lives in the city of Tokyo that's still recovering from a devastating earthquake that happened a decade ago. One on the way back from work he sees classmate Hiiragi Asuka being cornered by some shady men. While trying to help he ends up sucked into a world known as Eclipse and saved by Asuka. Asuka explains to Kou that it is her job to go into Eclipse to take out the monsters there and prevent them from eating people sucked into this world. While initially wanting to keep Kou out of this, once the people close to him are targeted Kou resolves to fight alongside Asuka in order to protect them. Together with Asuka they gather together other people who awaken to their powers in order to prevent any more victims.
Tokyo Xanadu's gameplay combines dungeon crawling with hack and slash combat. Combat revolves around performing combos on multiple enemies in combination with abilities. As players level up more attacks are unlocked allowing for even possible combos to be unleashed on enemies. Players are also able to switch between a multitude of different characters, each offering their own unique way to play. Whether you want to get in close with the enemy or stay back with long range attacks, you'll be sure to devastate the enemy.
However the thing that truly makes the game unique is its customization capabilities. Each character’s weapon has a core that grants unique effects and sub cores that give other, less powerful effects with level ups granting access to more slots. By swapping out various cores and sub cores it's possible to make wildly different versions of the same character. With this unique customization ability, the possibilities for what you're capable of are endless.
Tokyo Xanadu offers an experience that promises hours of entertainment. With fun combat, an engaging story and even a variety of side content, you won't be able to put the game down once you start. If you are going to pick the game up though, make sure to get the remastered version as that one offers even more content.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer
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