Altered Perspectives

With time many things can happen. The most common thing to happen though is people gaining a new perspective on something. Whether that means being able to understand what makes something special or realizing that what you thought was great is actually underwhelming, just taking the time to give another look can change a lot. This is especially true with the Sonic franchise.
Sonic is known for not always giving the best games. One of the most notorious examples is Sonic ‘06, a game that many feel came close to killing it. At the time it was seen as one of the worst games to ever exist. However nowadays while people still don't love, people no longer feel that it's an atrocity and instead is appreciated for the buggy mess that it is. Something similar occurred with Sonic Unleashed, a game that when it first came out was looked down and even made fun of for its premise. Now it's seen as a game that made great use of the console it was on and many wish that SEGA would do something unique like it again.
On the opposite side of the spectrum we have Sonic Colors, a game that at the time was seen as the thing that would bring Sonic back to the limelight. Now it's seen as a game with potential that it couldn't live up to. While not a bad game, it is in no way the game changer that many believed. With repetitive gameplay and a lacking story, this is a game that is saved by nostalgia.
The reason for this change in perspective likely stems from people losing their preconceived notions of the game. Since Sonic ‘06 fans have been more critical of every game that comes out. As such once they have an opinion on a game, they will hold onto strongly in hopes of preventing a future 06. So when they find something they like or hate initially, they'll make sure it's known. It's only after there are no longer stakes that fans are able to give their actual opinion on the games.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer